Full Contents List
Chapter titles in red are currently active. The others are planned for the future. For a detailed list of proposed contents click here.NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES
Environmental Change After 9000 BCE
Native Cultural Sequences 8000 BCE to European Contact
CHAPTER: Peopling The Arctic, 8000 BCE to 1800 CE
CHAPTER: Ecological Regions, ca 1500 CE
Ecological Regions ca 1500 CE (Interactive Map)Precipitation Ranges (Graph)
Radiation and Degree Day Ranges (Graph)
Seasonal Temperature Ranges (Graph)
Ecological Regions: Dry Domain (Table)
Ecological Regions: Humid Temperate Domain (Table)
Ecological Regions: Circumpolar Domain (Table)
CHAPTER: Exploring the Atlantic Coast 16th,17th Centuries
Principal Explorations, 1497-1632 (Interactive Map)Desceliers map, 1550 (Illustration)
Cantino map, 1502 (Illustration)
Ribiero map, 1529 (Illustration)
James map, 1632 (Illustration)
CHAPTER: French Exploration 17th, 18th Centuries
French Exploration, 1603-1751 (Interactive Map)Champlain map, 1632 (Illustration)
Sanson map, 1656 (Illustration)
Coronelli map, 1688 (Illustration)
Delisle map, 1752 (Illustration)
Bellin map, 1755 (Illustration)
Explorers and motivation 1603-1751 (Table)
CHAPTER: Exploration from Hudson Bay, 17th to 19th Centuries
Exploration From Hudson Bay, 1610-1821 (Interactive Map)Graham map, 1772-1774 (Illustration)
Norton map, 1760 (Illustration)
Thornton map, 1709 (Illustration)
Coats map, 1749 (Illustration)
Dobbs map, 1744 (Illustration)
Explorers of the Saskatchewan country, 1770s (Illustration)
CHAPTER: Exploration in the Far West, 18th, 19th Centuries
Exploration of the Far West, 1741-1821(Interactive Map)Pond map, 1785 (Illustration)
Hodgson map, 1791 (Illustration)
Arrowsmith map, 1795 (Illustration)
Thompson map, 1814 (Illustration)
Taylor map,ca 1830 (Illustration)
CHAPTER: Exploration to Mid-19th Century
Exploration, 1818-1851 (Interactive Map)Lapie map, 1821 (Illustration)
Arrowsmith map, 1832 (Illustration)
Back map, 1833-34 (Illustration)
Arrowsmith map, 1854 (Illustration)
CHAPTER: Exploration and Assessment to 1944
Arctic Exploration, 1851-1944 (Interactive Map)Scientific Expeditions and Surveys, 1857-1892 (Interactive Map)
Geology of British North America after Richardson, 1851 (Static map)
Prairie Levels after Hector, 1857 (Static map)
Natural Regions of the Prairies 1857-1859, after Palliser (Static map)
Climate of British North America after Blodget, 1875 (Static map)
CHAPTER: Summary of Exploration through Four Centuries
Summary of Exploration, 1497-1891 (Interactive Map)NATIVE CANADA
CHAPTER: Native Population and Subsistence, 17th Century
Linguistic Families, 17th Century (Interactive Map)Eastern Native Population, Early 17th Century (Interactive Map)
Native Subsistence at European Contact, Ethnohistoric Data (Interactive Map)
Native Subsistence, 1000 CE to European Contact,
Archaeological Data (Interactive Map)
Iroquoian Agricultural Settlement, ca 500 CE - Contact
The Coast Tsimshian ca 1750
CHAPTER: Native Resettlement along the St.Lawrence, 1635-1800
CHAPTER: Native Canada ca 1820
Native Population, Economies and Movement, ca 1820 (Interactive Map)
CHAPTER: Native Reserves of Canada to 1902
Native Reserves, 1902 (Interactive Map)Native Population, 1901 (Static Map)
Sales of Surrendered Reserve Lands in Eastern Canada,
1867-1900 (Graph)
Native Reserves, 1902 - BC, Prairies, The East (Tables)
CHAPTER: Territorial Evolution, 1670-2001
Boundary Changes, 1670-2001 (Interactive Map)Newfoundland Joins Confederation, 1949 (Interactive Map)
Proposals for the Prairie Provinces, 1905 (Static map)
Regional Share of Canadian Territory by Province: 1891, 1949
Final Results of the Newfoundland Referendum, 1948 (Graph)
Territorial Timeline, 1670-2001 (Slideshow)
CHAPTER: Eastern Canada ca 1800
Population and Economy, ca 1800 (Interactive Map)Population and Language in Eastern Canada, ca 1800 (Static map)
CHAPTER: The Canadian Population 1825, 1851, 1871, 1891
Population Distribution, ca 1825 (Interactive Map)Population Distribution, ca 1851 (Interactive Map)
Population Distribution, ca 1871 (Interactive Map)
Population Distribution, ca 1891 (Interactive Map)
Growth of Provinces, 1851-91 (Graph)
Growth of Cities, 1825-91 (Graph)
Urban Populations, 1851-91 (Graph)
Urban Centres, 1851-91 (Graph)
Population Pyramids for Canada, 1871, 1891 (Graph)
CHAPTER: The Exodus: Migrations 1860-1900
Migration, 1871-1891 (Interactive Map)Canadian Born in the United States, 1880 (Interactive Map)
Migration Estimates, 1850s-1900s (Graph)
CHAPTER: Migration, 1891-1930
Immigration to Canada, 1896-1914 (Interactive Map)Immigration to the Prairies, 1896-1914 (Interactive Map)
Move to the West, 1891-1914 (Interactive Map)
Ontario Migration to the Prairies, 1901-1911 (Interactive Map)
Canadians Living in the United States, 1930 (Static Map)
Asian Immigration 1891-1931 (Graph)
Immigrants to Canada 1891-1961 (Graph)
Distribution of immigrant population, 1921 (Graph)
Canadians Moving to the United States, 1890-1914 (Graph)
CHAPTER: Population Changes, 1941-1961
CHAPTER: Population Composition, 1891-1961
Ethnic Origin, 1901 (Interactive Map)Ethnic Origin, 1931 (Interactive Map)
Ethnic Origin, 1961 (Interactive Map)
The Bilingual Belt, 1961 (Interactive Map)
Major Ethnic Groups: 1901, 1931, 1961 (Graph)
Population Growth, 1871-1961 (Graph)
Population Profiles: 1901, 1931, 1961 (Graph)
Urban and Rural Population: 1901, 1931, 1961 (Graph)
CHAPTER: Summary of Population Growth, 1851-1961
Population Growth, 1851-1961 (Interactive Map)Population Density, 1851-1961 (Interactive Map)
Population Distribution, 1851-1961 (Interactive Map)
The Emergence of a Transportation System, 1837-1852
The Railway Age, 1834-1891
Expansion and Change, 20th Century, Rail, Road and Air
Canada in 1891
Primary Production, 1891-1926
Farming and Fishing 1941-1961
CHAPTER: Canada in 1961
CHAPTER: Art and Architecture, 19th Century
Images of Canada, 1810-1894 (Interactive Map)The Look of Domestic Building, 1891 (Slideshow)
Selected Painters and Photographers (Table)
Heriot, Chaudière Falls near Québec
Rindisbacher, Occupation of the Unfortunate Colonists...
Rindisbacher, Winter Fishing on the Ice
Kane, French River Rapids
Kane, Camping on the Prairie
Lowe, View of Cobourg
Hind, Harvesting Hay, Sussex, New Brunswick
O'Brien, Among the Islands of Georgian Bay
O'Brien, Through the Rocky Mountains...
Dally, Ox Team at Clinton, BC
Horetzky, Forks of the Skeena River
Horetzky, Peace River at Fort Dunvegan
Henderson, Intercolonial Railway, Matapedia River
Royal Engineers, Ox Train at Dead Horse Creek
Henderson, Steel Bridge on the Canadian Pacific Railway
Tyrell, Eskimo camp on the barren land
CHAPTER: The Printed Word, 1752-1900
Regional Spread of Newspapers, 1752-1900 (Interactive Map)Public Libraries, 1779-1891 (Interactive Map)
Newspapers, 1891 (Interactive Map)
Newspapers by County, 1891 (Interactive Map)
Montreal Collective Libraries, 1659-1900 (Graph)
Major Libraries, 1891 (Graph)
Numbers of Newspapers Published, 1813-1891 (Graph)
CHAPTER: The Quest for Universal Schooling, 1851-1891
Students in School: 1851, 1881 (Interactive Map)Schools with Blackboards in Canada West: 1856, 1861, 1866 (Interactive Map)
Female Teachers in the Maritimes: 1851, 1871, 1891
(Interactive Map)
School Registrations, 1851-1891 (Graph)
Hamilton Central School, 1852 (Illustration)
CHAPTER: Religious Adherence, 1891-1961
Religious Adherence, 1921 (Interactive Map)Religious Diversity in Saskatchewan, 1921 (Interactive Map)
Presbyterian Vote on Church Union, 1924-1925
(Interactive Map)
Religious Diversity by Province and City, 1921 (Static Map)
Religious Diversity in Canada: 1891, 1921, 1931, 1961 (Graph)
The Road to Church Union, 1758-1931 (Graph)
The Seven Years' War, 1756-1763
CHAPTER: The War of 1812, 1812-1814
Logistics of the War, 1812-1814 (Interactive Map)Strategic Thrusts by Year, 1812-1814 (Interactive Map)
The British Naval Blockade (Graph)
Military Transport, 1812-1814 (Table)
The Battle near Moraviantown, 1813 (Illustration)
The Battle of Lundy's Lane, 1814 (Illustration)
CHAPTER: The Great War, 1914-1918
The Royal Newfoundland Regiment in St John's,1914-1919 (Interactive Map)
Enlistment and Military Installations in Canada,
1914-1919 (Interactive Map)
Casualties and Medical Care Facilities in Canada,
1914-1919 (Interactive Map)
Canadian Military Hospitals and Cemeteries in Europe,
1914-1919 (Interactive Map)
Enlistment and Casualties, 1914-1919 (Graph)
Canadian Patriotic Fund, 1914-1919 (Graph)
Victory Loan Campaigns, 1917, 1918 (Graph)
CHAPTER: The Second World War, 1939-1945
CHAPTER: Acadian Deportation and Return, 1750-1803
Acadian Population Distribution: 1750, 1803 (Interactive Map)Acadian Deportation Experience, 1755-1785 (Interactive Map)
Acadian Population: 1763, 1800 (Table)
CHAPTER: The Impact of the Great Depression, 1928-1940
Unemployment Relief Work Camps, 1932-1936 (Interactive Map)Trek in Search of Work, 1928-1939 (Interactive Map)
Relief Recipients by Province, 1930-1940 (Static Map)
Relief Recipients by Selected Urban Areas, 1935 (Graph)
Riding the Rods (Illustration)