Notice ...
- A table pops up, in which the projects selected are tabulated
by type and labour input, and these are highlighted on the map.
(You may have to drag the table aside to see the map without obstruction.)
- Restoration of historic sites at Québec and Halifax are among the
largest single, government-sponsored projects of the Depression era.
Try This:
On the DATA SELECT toolbar, click on the QUERY button to pop up the Query box.
Under "Type of Project," select "Historic Site;"
in the other two boxes select "Do not include in query."
Then Submit Query.
Notice ...
- The Québec City and Halifax projects are the only historic sites anywhere in Canada that were supported by the Work Camps program.
- Celebration of military and political history has been a Canadian priority,
one French and one English, even in hard times.
- Historic sites were under the supervision of the Department of National Defence.