Canadian-born in the United States, 1880


Area units:
Areas shown represent states in the United States of America, ca 1880.

Data units:
States are coloured according to percentage of foreign-born population who were Canadian-born. Circle and pie data also refers to states; see Legend Description below.


Legend Description

Percentage of foreign-born population who were Canadian-born
Colours represent classed percentage values. This data represents how significant Canadians were, as a proportion of the immigrant population, by state.

Canadian-born (by province of origin)
Circles are sized proportionally to the number of Canadian-born, by state. Pie segments represent proportions from each province or region of origin: Ontario, Québec, or the Maritimes.

Number of workers (Occupations in NE states)
Only selected states in the Northeastern US are shown here. Circles are sized proportionally to number of Canadian-born workers, by state. Pie segments represent proportions of Canadian-born of different occupations as listed.



This layer shows Canadian-born in US, by province of origin. See Legend Description above. This is the active layer. See explanation in Active Tools below. Turning this layer on turns off Occupations in NE states.

This layer shows Canadian-born workers, in selected Northeastern states, by occupational category. See Legend Description above. This layer is initially off and may be turned on. Turning this layer on turns off Canadian-born in the US.

This layer turns on or off the labels for state names.


Active Tools

This is the active layer. Use the tools below to get data about the states in this layer.

Identify: Click on the Identify tool, then click on the map on one of the states, to pop up a box showing the total Canadian-born in that state.

Table: Click on the Table tool, then click or drag a rectangle on the map across one or more states, to select and pop up a table showing count data by origin about the selected states. See Table Fields below.

Query: Click on the Query tool, to pop up a Query box. Use the input boxes to specify numeric values as selection criteria for total number of Canadian-born, and click "Submit query" to select and pop up a table showing information about the selected states. See Table Fields below.


Table Fields - Canadian-born in US

State State receiving Canadian immigration
Ontario Number of immigrants born in Ontario residing in a given state in 1880
Québec Number of immigrants born in Québec residing in a given state in 1880
Maritimes Number of immigrants born the Maritimes residing in a given state in 1880
Total Total number of immigrants born in Canada residing in a given state in 1880
Data files available: Canadian_Born_in_US_1880.xls