Immigration to the Prairies, 1896-1914


Area units:
Areas shown represent provinces ca 1914. Within these, Census Divisions in 1911, and settled area (ecumene) are shown.

Data units:
Vertical bar graphs are shown for each Census Division, representing total number of immigrants, and coloured according to origin of immigrants.
A single pie chart is shown for homesteaders from the United States, divided by state of origin.


Legend Description

Origin of immigrants
Vertical bar graphs are shown for each Census Division, representing total number of immigrants, and coloured according to origin of immigrants.

Settled area (ecumene)
Ecumene is coloured to show where continuous settlement occurred. "Unsettled area" may have contained some population, but it was sparse.

Origin of Homesteaders from the US 1890-1914
A single pie chart is shown for homesteaders from the United States, divided by state of origin. Please note that this represents only homesteaders, not all immigrants, as represented by the bars. It is included next to this map as it gives an indication of the states contributing immigration of farmers to the Canadian Prairies during this time period.



Immigration 1896-1914 by CD is the active layer. See explanation in Active Tools below to learn how to get information from this layer .
This layer shows Modern Geography (current provincial and territorial boundaries, as well as selected cities), and is available for reference.


Active Tools

This is the active layer. Use the tools below to get data about the vertical bar graphs for each Census Division, as shown in this layer.

Identify: Click on the Identify tool, then click on the map on one of the bar graphs, to pop up a box showing the total number of immigrants represented by that graph.

Table: Click on the Table tool, then click or drag a rectangle on the map across one or more of the bar graphs, to select them and pop up a table showing numbers of immigrants coming from each area of origin. See Table Fields below.


Table Fields - Immigration 1896-1914 by CD

Census division 1911 Census divisions in 1911 receiving immigrants
Prov Province code (al=Alberta, mb=Manitoba, sa=Saskatchewan)
From USA, British Isles, NW Europe, CE Europe Number of immigrants coming from USA, British Isles, Northern and Western Europe, and Central and Eastern Europe, respectively. Small numbers coming from other areas are not shown.
Total immigrants Total number of immigrants coming to this Census division.
Data files available: Immigration_Prairies_1896_1914.xls


Legend Notes

The migration flows are based on changes in the numbers of foreign-born in Canada over the period between 1891 and 1914. The immigrant population in the 1921 census is tabulated by period of arrival so that post-1914 immigrants can be netted out. For more details, see Authors and Sources.