Move to the West, 1891-1914


Area units:
Areas shown represent provinces ca 1914, and are coloured according to their net interprovincial migration, with provinces in the east coloured green (negative net interprovincial migration), and provinces in the west coloured orange (positive net interprovincial migration).

Data units:
Pie graphs are shown for each province or region, and coloured according to destination (Migration FROM pies) or origin (Migration TO pies) of migrants.
NOTE: All migrants shown on this map are represented twice; i.e. once in a pie chart showing MIGRATION FROM provinces, and again in a pie chart showing MIGRATION TO. Each is an alternative view of inter-provincial migration during this period.


Legend Description

Number of migrants
All circles represent migrants within Canada during the 1891-1914 period. Circles are divided into pie segments according to the destination or origin of migrants. All circles are proportional to number of migrants; these numbers can be obtained using the Active Tools (see below.)

Migration FROM provinces
There are 5 pie charts representing Migration FROM provinces/regions in the Eastern portion of Canada: the Maritimes, Newfoundland, Ontario, Québec, and Manitoba. These include migration within the East. These are divided by destination of migrants i.e. where migrants were "going to."

Migration TO provinces
There are 8 pie charts representing Migration TO provinces; most of these migrants are going to the Western half of Canada: BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, including some migration within the West. Smaller pies represent migration within the East. All pies are divided by origin of migrants i.e. where migrants were "Coming from."



These layers show Migration FROM provinces as pie charts. This is an active layer. See explanation in Active Tools below.

These layers show Migration TO provinces as pie charts. This is an active layer. See explanation in Active Tools below.

This layer shows Settled area (ecumene) ca 1911, and is available for reference.
This layer shows Modern Geography (current provincial and territorial boundaries, as well as selected cities), and is available for reference.


Active Tools

This is an active layer, and to make it active you must click on the symbol (you will know it is active when the layer name is highlighted in yellow). Once you have made this layer active, then use the tools below to get data about the pie charts in this layer (pie charts showing Migration FROM data).
This is an active layer, and to make it active you must click on the symbol (you will know it is active when the layer name is highlighted in yellow). Once you have made this layer active, then use the tools below to get data about the pie charts in this layer (pie charts showing Migration TO data).

Identify: Click on the Identify tool, then click on the map on one of the provincial pie charts, to pop up a box showing the total migrants TO or FROM this province.

Table: Click on the Table tool, then click or drag a rectangle on the map across one or more pie charts, to select and pop up a table showing information about the selected province(s). See Table Fields below.


Table Fields - MIGRATION FROM provinces

Migration FROM Province (or region) which migrants are coming from, going to all other provinces.
To MANITOBA, To SASKATCHEWAN, To ALBERTA, To BC, To PRAIRIES, To ONTARIO, To QUEBEC, To MARITIMES Number of migrants going to all other provinces, from "MIGRATION FROM" province
Within EAST Number of migrants going to all eastern provinces, from other eastern provinces listed. This duplicates migrants already listed above.
Total Total number of migrants coming from "MIGRATION FROM" province to all other provinces

Table Fields - MIGRATION TO provinces

Migration TO Province which migrants are going to, coming from all other provinces
From ONTARIO, From QUEBEC, From MARITIMES, From NEWFOUNDLAND, From MANITOBA, From ALTA/SASK Number of migrants coming from all other provinces (or regions), to the "MIGRATION TO " province
Total Total number of migrants going to "MIGRATION TO" province from all other provinces
Data files available: Move_to_the_West_1891_1914.xls
PLEASE NOTE: TOTALS in each table equals the other. Each is an alternative view of inter-provincial migration during this period.


Legend Notes

The interprovincial movement of Canadian-born people was estimated directly from census data on province of birth, cross-tabulated with province of residence. For the Prairie Provinces the 1916 total of those born out of the province was derived from the census of that year. For other provinces the 1914 numbers were interpolated from the 1911 and 1921 censuses. The number of persons in each province of destination from each province of origin was compared with the 1891 number adjusted for survival over the 25-year period; the survival rates used were those from Bourbeau and Légaré (1982).