The Bilingual Belt, 1961


Area units: 1961 census divisions and subdivisions are shown. Census subdivision boundaries are shown as white lines, and only appear where the dominant mother tongue is not consistent throughout the census division.

Data units: Census division circles and pie graphs show total population, and absolute numbers and percentages by main mother tongue groups.
Census subdivisions carry data for dominant mother tongue classed by percentage groups.


Legend Description

Mother tongue by census subdivision:
The colour of the census divisions or subdivisions represents the percentage of the population speaking the dominant language, French or English, as a mother tongue.

Census division circles and pie graphs
Census division data is represented by proportional circles or pie graphs. They appear gray when zoomed out, but zoomed in they subdivide into proportional pie graphs, with the slices representing the breakdown by mother tongue within that census division.


Number of people
The size of the circles or pie graphs represents the number of people, for each census division. All divisions less than 50 000 are shown with the same circle size.



Census division circles/pie graphs controls the visibility of the pie graphs representing mother tongue by census division.
Modern Geography ( current provincial and territorial boundaries, as well as selected cities) is available for reference.


Active Tools

Active layer: Census division information is always the active layer. Use the tools below to get information on mother tongue in different census divisions.
Table: Click or drag a rectangle to select any of the census divisions. A table pops up showing information by mother tongue. See Table Fields below.
Identify: Click anywhere in a census division to display the name of that division.


Table Fields - Census division information

NAME Name of census division
Total pop Total population of census division
English, French, Other Absolute numbers of people by mother tongue
Percent English, Percent French, Percent Other Numbers of people by mother tongue as a percentage of total population of census division


Legend Notes

In 1961, although there was considerable ethnic diversity in Montréal, at least 67% of the population was of French origin, and 68% of French mother tongue. Nonetheless, English remained the dominant language in public space and in most work places.
With the exception of Montréal, urban areas have been incorporated with the census subdivisions in which they are located. On the map adjacent census subdivisions with similar values and thus of the same category are amalgamated into a single unit. Individual subdivisions are shown only when they are of a different category from surrounding divisions.